Thursday, November 29, 2012

Breaking Down the Brawl in Boston

Just days after the Nets played the Knicks in what looked like the start of a good Eastern Conference rivalry, the Nets and Celtics went at it last night. The Nets won by 12, but that't not the story. Rajon Rondo, Kris Humphries and Gerald Wallace were all ejected in the second quarter after Humphries fouled Kevin Garnett hard, sending him to the ground. These two teams, along with the Knicks will compete for the Atlantic Divisional title. Here's why this brawl is only the start of a tough rivalry.
Celtic Pride vs. Brooklyn Swag
The Garnett era in Boston has been characterized by pride and toughness. He, along with Rondo and Paul Pierce, are extremely competitive and will not back down. However, the Celtics don't really have that tough big man for these situations. Even coach Doc Rivers called them soft. Brooklyn has its cool owners and nice new arena. They are an appealing franchise now and their games against the Celtics this season will show what kind of team they will be during the Deron Williams/Joe Johnson era.

The Point Guards
Rondo is absolutely no stranger to rivalries of any kind. Besides Boston's rivalry with Miami, Rondo has been involved in high-profile altercations with Kobe Bryant and Chris Paul. One of the chippiest players in the league, Rondo has never been a referee's favorite. Just ask Marc Davis. Williams hasn't been in a really intense rivalry before, but that will change this year. Playing in Brooklyn, more eyes will be on him. He is the best player on the Nets and will likely be the central focus in competitive games like this. With Rondo and Williams being two of the top-five point guards in the NBA, their paths will cross multiple times as this rivalry moves forward.

Scars, Emotional and Physical
Paul Pierce may still be icing his ankles today after Joe Johnson put the moves on him. While Pierce has lost a step defensively, this was still embarrassing. As you can see from the video, Celtics Jeff Green and Courtney Lee looked shell-shocked after seeing Johnson's little shake n' bake. Pierce will recover soon, but the same cannot be said for Humphries. He tweeted this picture showing his battle wounds (courtesy of Rondo) from the scuffle.

This mini brawl was great for the league. No one was hurt and it didn't get out of hand. It was just two good teams going at it and playing to win. Fights happen when teammates have each other's back. It just so happens that the Celtics and Nets play next on Christmas Day in front of a national audience. With plenty of fuel in the fire now, expect a tough and hotly contested game as these teams exchange the gifts of bumps and bruises.

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