Friday, November 2, 2012

Award Predicitons

MVP: Kevin Durant 
An MVP trophy is the next logical step for Durant. He is the league's best scorer and he will take control of the Thunder this year. In Harden's absence, he will take over fourth quarters and end any debate about Westbrook being the guy. He and LeBron will have similar seasons, but the expectations for KD are slightly lower. Voters get tired of seeing the same MVP every year (Jordan). That will allow Durant to squeak out a majority of votes. 
Challengers: LeBron James and Chris Paul

Rookie of the Year: Anthony Davis
It is completely his award to lose. He is the best rookie by a wide margin. Already the best player on a decent Hornets team, Davis will likely lead them in points, rebounds and blocks. Damian Lillard and Michael Kidd-Gilchrist are very talented, but Davis's ability is that of a superstar in the making. In previous years, we've seen one rookie emerge alone from a so-so draft class. This year Davis emerges in a great crop of rookies. 
Challengers: Damian Lillard and Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

Coach of the Year: Doug Collins
His Sixers start the year without Andrew Bynum, but Collins will hold his young team together until their star center gets healthy. Collins is one of the best coaches never to win this award and if he can coach the Sixers to a top-four seed in the East, he will be a leading candidate. 
Challengers: Tom Thibodeau and George Karl

Sixth Man of the Year: Jamal Crawford
Unlike last year with Harden having this award always won, there is no clear front runner to begin the year. Jamal Crawford won this in 2010 and he will win it again as a Clipper. With Griffin and Jordan clogging the paint, Chris Paul will find the shooters on the outside. Crawford has played his best when on winning teams and the Clippers are certainly a very good team. He scored 29 in the debut and if his scoring average his in the high teens, Crawford will take this award home.  
Challengers: Ray Allen and Taj Gibson

Most Improved: Eric Bledsoe
Eric Bledsoe winning this award is very contingent on Vinny Del Negro starting him over Willie Green in the near future. Bledsoe is an elite athlete and will greatly benefit from playing next to Chris Paul (sound familiar). In his third year, Bledsoe seems to understand the NBA game and is talented enough to deserve more minutes. If he can get the time, Bledsoe will show just how good he can be.    
Challengers: Omer Asik and Evan Turner 

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