Saturday, February 9, 2013

Veterans on the Block

Rudy Gay was the first domino in what could be a very bust trade deadline for notable veterans. So, will a longtime star on your team be dealt? Will a proven, but struggling veteran be moved? Anything is possible, as KG once said. And the rumors are heating up with the trade deadline just 12 days away. 

Pau Gasol
Probably the hardest big name to figure out this season. A month ago, a Gasol deal looked imminent, but a nice-stretch when L.A. was sans Dwight Howard has kept Gasol a Laker up to this point. Denver was once viewed as a likely candidate, but it's doubtful George Karl would want to break up a young and exciting team that is starting to click. Minnesota is another hot destination, but there's no one player outside of Kevin Love that the Lakers would cherish. My gut says Gasol remains a Laker, as they are never a team to give up the biggest name in a trade. But then again, who knows with this year's Lakers? 

Carlos Boozer/Andrea Bargnani  
Rumors of a swap have gotten these two guys lumped together. I don't think a deal gets done though. Boozer gets the edge with Bargnani's shooting way down this year, but there's so much not to like about these two. Bad contracts worse defense are two things synonymous with these guys. The Raptors clearly want to be active on the block this season, which is why Bargnani is the more likely trade target. But I expect the Bulls to play out the season with Boozer, then grant their fans' wish this summer when they amnesty him. 

Paul Pierce/Kevin Garnett
So difficult to imagine either of these guys not wearing Celtic green, but that may be the reality in Boston. Pierce's name has come up with the Clippers this year, which would send Eric Bledsoe as the centerpiece to Boston. Bledsoe is of starter caliber in this league, but would the Clippers move him with Chris Paul unsigned  after this season? Also, getting Bledsoe would surely mean the Celtics trade Rajon Rondo next season. Kevin Garnett wants to be a Celtic, so I believe he is less likely to move than Pierce. Then again.

Amar'e Stoudemire 
Here's someone with a contract that truly seems untradable. Amar'e clearly is not a fit in the Knicks gameplan, but his background and contract will ensure he stays a Knick throughout the season. He has provided scoring in his reserve role, but at the same time, he gets in Carmelo's way. In the best season of his career, the Knicks are clearly Carmelo's team. Don't expect to hear Stoudemire's name in many rumors until his team gets bounced by Indiana in the playoffs. 

J.J. Redick 
I know Redick is not of the talent or status of the aforementioned guys, but I wanted to list at least one guy that will surely be traded. The Magic want an expiring contract and a first-rounder for Redick, and plenty of his suitors are capable of meeting that criteria. So far this year, the Wolves, Bulls, Bucks and Grizzlies have confirmed interest in Redick. As of today, Milwaukee is the frontrunner. Redick's shooting should keep them in the East playoffs and Beno Udrih plus a mid first-round pick should satisfy Orlando. Every playoff team needs three-point shooting and Redick will provide that while in the best season of his career.   


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