Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Streaky Clippers

     Yes, the Clippers are currently on a two-game losing streak, but that's not the one that has everybody talking. The Clips didn't lose a game in December, and reeled off a 17-game win streak that started with their last game in November. Their fortunes have turned with the calender a bit as they are 0-2 in 2013 and in the midst of a tough two-week stretch. But can the Clippers, yes the Clippers, go all the way? Yes!
     To win an NBA championship, you need star power, and the Clips have enough. It seems that at least two All-Stars are now necessary to win a title, so the Clippers are in good hands with Chris Paul and Blake Griffin.
     Paul is the NBA's best point guard right now and he's a definite top 10 player in the league. If the Clippers even get close enough to smell the Finals, he will be the reason. Few guys can set the table like him and he has to love this roster full of shooters and athletes.
     Griffin is developing, yet still a top 20 NBA player. With his size and athleticism, there aren't many answers for Griffin when he's fully engaged in the offense. He may not be the ideal sidekick for a contending team, but Griffin is no doubt a great player when he's doing more of this, and less of this.
     While Paul and Griffin are the most prominent Clippers with their slew of TV commercials, the bench is just as much to thank. With Jamal Crawford, Eric Bledsoe, Matt Barnes, and even Lamar Odom, the Clips are the deepest team in the league. This good bench more than makes up for a starting five that includes has-been Caron Butler and never-was Reggie Evans. These are the right guys to have on a contending team's bench because they all have something to prove.
     Crawford is the leader in the clubhouse for his second Sixth Man of the Year Award. While that hardware is probably important to him, he wants to win a ring more than anything. This is easily the best team Crawford has ever been on. His points matter so much more in L.A. than they ever did on bad Bulls and Knicks teams and a mediocre Hawks team.
     Barnes has been to the playoffs with the Warriors, Suns, Magic, and Lakers recently, but has never been to the Finals. As a swingman, he won't light it up every night for the Clippers. But if Barnes can hit shots in the playoffs, even Vinny Del Negro will be unable to take him out of the rotation.
    The only young guy off the bench for the Clips is Bledsoe. In his third season, he has made a huge leap forward. A lack of consistent minutes is the only thing keeping Bledsoe from winning Most Improved Player. One of the most athletic point guards, Bledsoe's play this postseason may turn out to be an audition for which team will trade for him to become a starter next season.
     The rest of the bench bunch includes Odom, Ronny Turiaf, Ryan Hollins, and Grant Hill. Hollins actually gives the best minutes off the bench for L.A. He's an energy big who can hold his own defensively when Griffin and Deandre Jordan are resting. If Hill can ever come back, his experience and basketball IQ will help on the perimeter (same goes for Chauncey Billlups).
     So the Clips are a lock for the Finals, right? Yeah, all that's stopping them is Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Memphis, Del Negro, and that other team in L.A. No big deal.
     Clippers-Lakers tomorrow night on ESPN is a can't miss. Staples Center will be crazy.  

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