Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Watch Out Floppers!

The NBA will penalize floppers this season. David Stern is implementing a policy starting this year that will fine repeat floppers. A $5,000 fine will be given to repeat offenders each time they flop. Players who reach a fifth offense will be fined $30,000 and after that suspensions will be given. This is a strong move by Stern. Flopping is a problem for referees and this policy will restore integrity to the game. But for a few guys, this rule will put them at a disadvantage.

Manu Ginobli
The crafty Argentine is known for his versatility and clutch play, but also for his flopping. Ginobli often has to guard the opponents best scorer, so he resorts to flopping. As a disciplined Spur, it's unlikely that he will be fined for excessive flopping. But a veteran like him knows how to get away with it.

Anderson Varejao
Like Ginobli, Varejao is a South American import who is known for his flopping. A maximum effort player, he often looks uncoordinated when grabbing rebounds. The NBA players actually voted him the biggest flopper last year. Worst of all, he may be the reason LeBron joined Dwyane Wade in Miami.

Chris Paul
The final and biggest name on the list, Chris Paul may come as a bit of a surprise. Paul's strategy is all about getting under the opposition's skin. He's a chippy player who gets others to retaliate. That's when the flopping happens. I expect Paul to go too far one game and be made an example of by being the first superstar to get a flopping fine.

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